Lying in the grass at the park today — feeling the thousands of blades of green on my bare skin – kind of made me wish I had thought to bring along a blanket to relax on... Which then got me thinking of all the summer quilts I have strewn about my place... Which then got me thinking of my couch and how I’ve always loved velvet covered furniture. Strange train of thought yes, but very parallel to how when you’re looking up at the clouds (as I was while lying in the park), each puff of white quickly transforms from one perceived shape to another. So I’d say the train of thought was quite fitting for the occasion, wouldn’t you? But back to the subject at hand: Velvet covered furniture. It has always made me feel regal, and considering I saw both a crown and a castle in the clouds today, it seemed a bit like fate was whispering for me to post this blog...
Ahhhh, what a fabulous long weekend!! It’s been a busy week here at French Charmed, especially as we’re still recovering from our Vegas trip for the Daytime Emmys! All in all, the Emmy weekend was filled with glitz, glamour and all the excitement we expected. And did you see Susan Lucci’s red carpet gown? The stunning Prada beauty was one of the best dresses of the night! (Though we have to say we were shocked that she wore black; she rarely does that!) The 4th of July weekend wasn’t nearly as glamorous but rather served as a refreshing and relaxing break spent with family and friends in celebration of our country. Those who founded the United States broke free from tradition and forged ahead with what then seemed like crazy, radical thoughts and ideas — which serves as perfect inspiration for us all as we embark on the future ahead. Break boundaries, stand up for what you believe in and never be afraid to speak up as loud as the roar of those firecrackers!